Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Playing with Generators

Well this is a tough one, there I was in my previous post going on about how great bloglines is (which i still strongly believe!) but then i began to play around with the generators - both totally awesome and great fun!

Anyway, since i'm studying journalism i figured i'd use a generator to make an article clipping (which looks quite authentic). I've written a small article about a Chocolate event that took place up in Emerald last Thursday. Author Suzie Wharton was there to talk about chocolate and also a bit about her book 'A Chocoholic Guide to Melbourne.' I attended the event with a few of my library friends, and we had a wonderful time discovering what good quality chocolate is about (being shiny, melting in your mouth, snapping when you bite it and also flavour). We were also quite full, having test-tasted so many Haigh chocolate samples (which were totally yummy - i strongly recommend the Haigh's dark chocolate!). Anyway, the generator requires that you not use real names so i had to change it a bit.

Also played around a bit with Library Thing, which is pretty cool. Although i think it needs more resources when trying to list all the books you've read because despite using Amazon there were some books that i've read which weren't listed. That was a tad disappointing. But aside from that, the sites pretty good. Great for people who read way too many books to keep a track of!

1 comment:

Michelle McLean said...

Library Thing is a project in progress, it will improve over time. Its great for people trying to organise their home libraries and even for small libraries to get their contents online.

Sorry I missed the chocolate event, sounds great and your play with image generators is cool. They are most definitely lots of fun!